Annual FUN-Raiser and Progress Report

A Good time will be had in Northern California at the Douglas Flat Schoolhouse, June 22

The chefs at the V-Restaurant in Murphys are catering a feast for our community in support of the Douglas Flat Schoolhouse! After cocktails and dinner enjoy the band Flashback and bid on our Silent Auction. All proceeds go into our fund to support historic restoration efforts. Don’t let our historic gold rush buildings crumble!

The Foundation Stabilization Fund

The Historic Douglas Flat Schoolhouse is on the National Register of Historic places. Built to last in the 1850’s, it has been used by the community as a meeting place for 7 generations. Sadly, it is starting to sag at the edges and is in need of a structural lift. Come support us and help preserve this legacy of Gold Rush architecture: the Douglas Flat School near Murphys, California!

DFCC is now more than half way to our foundation fund budget goal. This work will include lifting the entire building to construct a continuous perimeter foundation.

Help us Preserve our Gold Rush Heritage.

DFCC is a non-profit corporation whose purpose is to maintain and operate the Douglas Flat Schoolhouse for use by the community. DFCC’s purpose is “to preserve and beautify the school grounds and enrich our community by encouraging social gatherings for the benefit, amusement, recreation, pleasure, and inspiration of people of Douglas Flat and Calaveras County”. DFCC derives revenues from rental of the building as a venue for unique special events, weddings, film locations, and meetings. DFCC also seeks donations to protect our endangered gold rush history. Our foundation rebuild project budget is $75,000 and other preservation work is needed. Come support us at our annual June fundraising dinner dance catered by The V Restaurant and Bar; or give generously to preserve this Gold Rush architectural legacy. Your donations to DFCC will help us construct a new foundation to put the building on a firm foundation for another 7 generations.

 DFCC is grateful to the The Calaveras Community Foundation that provided $5,000 to improve drainage at our our front gate and create good access for heavy construction equipment.


Front Entrance Improvement Project Completed thanks to a Calaveras Community Foundation Grant


Calling Former Students, Teachers and all Special People who remember this Special Place!